Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thesis: Les Rouges et Des Viandes

My thesis compares and contrasts three great French red wines -- Bordeaux, Burgundy and Châteauneuf-du-Pâpe -- and how they complement three classic dishes -- Roast Chicken, Fillet of Beef and Rack of Lamb. 

Three tasting dinners were conducted in the name of research, and tasting notes for the wines, the meats and how they complemented each other were made by all the diners. They were analyzed in the body of the thesis, and the actual notes are included in the thesis as an Appendix.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thesis: Marketing wine to Generation X (2005)

Why is the wine industry ignoring young consumers?


The French wine industry is facing difficult challenges with over production, shrinking home market and increasing competition in export markets. One of the reasons for this drop in consumption is young consumers' disaffection for wine.

This paper looks at wine consumption and wine marketing from a generational perspective and attempts to understand why young consumers are not consuming wine as their elders have done in the past. An attention is given to the marketing approach of the industry and its appeal to young consumers. The paper makes a case for young adults being the future vector for growth in the wine industry and stresses the need to address them now, while they are forming their consumption habits for life. In other case, they risk being lost forever as wine consumers.

The paper puts a focus on the Generation X, born from 1961 – 1980, and its followers the Generation Y, born from 1981-2000. These two groups make up the young adult market today. A discussion to cast a light on the main influencers that have formed the general characteristics of the Generation X, allow a better understanding of their behaviour as consumers, and the young consumer market in general. Based on this understanding of needs and wants of young consumers, the paper attempts to give guidelines to create a coherent marketing strategy targeted at young adults.

Ragnar Fridriksson
Champagne, France

Thursday, March 26, 2009

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